David LarínVie Dic 14, 2012 6:11 pm
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Efectos sobre el Terreno
Muy útil script para aquellos makers detallistas. Como lo dice el titulo, este script agrega efectos según el tipo de terreno sobre el que se sitúa nuestro personaje: huellas en la nieve, sonido sobre madera, metal. Puedes levantar polvo si corres sobre la arena y hacer destornudar a más de alguno.
Si te gusta agradece a Galv's. Aquí el DEMO , o el codigo.(recomiendo bajar la demo ya que el código necesita de imagenes y colocar ciertos eventos).
Muy útil script para aquellos makers detallistas. Como lo dice el titulo, este script agrega efectos según el tipo de terreno sobre el que se sitúa nuestro personaje: huellas en la nieve, sonido sobre madera, metal. Puedes levantar polvo si corres sobre la arena y hacer destornudar a más de alguno.
Si te gusta agradece a Galv's. Aquí el DEMO , o el codigo.(recomiendo bajar la demo ya que el código necesita de imagenes y colocar ciertos eventos).
- Spoiler:
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Galv's Region Effects
# Version 1.6
# Credit to Yanfly and Quack for event spawning method
# 2012-11-15 - Version 1.6 = Fixed a major bug caused with last update.
# 2012-11-04 - Version 1.5 - streamline updates and bug fix suggested by Quack
# 2012-10-23 - Version 1.4 - updated alias naming convention for compatability
# 2012-10-09 - Version 1.3 - re-wrote the code to be more efficient when
# - using many different region effects.
# 2012-10-09 - Version 1.2 - code tweak that may reduce lag on low-end pc's
# 2012-09-16 - Version 1.1 - now compatible with Yanfly's spawn events
# 2012-09-15 - Version 1.0 - release
# Designed to activate effects when regions are stood on.
# An effect can include:
# - Sound Effect
# - An event that appears at the player's location
# - Activating a common event
# 1. Copy image from /Graphics/Characters/!Other-specials.png to your project
# 2. Copy the map from this demo into your game.
# - this map has events set up for the pre-made effects
# 3. Check the map ID of the map you copied in your game
# 4. Change the SPAWN_MAP_ID number to this map ID
# 5. Change REGION_EFFECT_SWITCH to a switch you are not using in your game.
# 6. Add some regions to your map to test.
$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported["Region_Effects"] = true
module Region_Effects
REGION_EFFECT_SWITCH = 1 # Turn this switch ON to disable the effects.
MAX_EFFECTS = 30 # Number of effects that can be on screen
# before being removed. (To prevent lag)
SPAWN_MAP_ID = 2 # Map ID of the map you store event effects in.
# region => ["sound", vol, pitch, event_id, common_event_id]
# region - the region ID the effect will activate on
# sound - the name of the SE file. "" for no sound
# vol - the volume of the SE (0 - 100)
# pitch - the pitch of the SE (50 - 150)
# event_id - event ID called from the spawn map. 0 for none.
# common_event_id - common event ID to call. 0 for no common event.
EFFECT = { # ! don't touch this
0 => ["", 0, 0, 0, 0], # No Effect (no region)
# Pre-made effects (requires demo events)
1 => ["", 0, 0, 5, 0], # Dirt dust
2 => ["Blow7", 60, 150, 0, 0], # Wood surface noise only
3 => ["Water1", 60, 110, 1, 0], # Shallow Water
18 => ["Earth2", 40, 130, 0, 0], # Hard surface noise only
5 => ["Damage3", 40, 150, 2, 0], # Footprints
6 => ["Ice9", 50, 130, 3, 0], # Walking over thick grass
7 => ["", 0, 0, 0, 1], # Calls common event 1 only
8 => ["Fire3", 80, 120, 4, 2], # Calls fire trap
37 => ["", 80, 120, 6, 0], # Dust cloud
# You can add more as required. eg:
# 42 => ["", 0, 0, 0, 0],
# 18 => ["", 0, 0, 0, 0],
# etc. etc.
# Only one effect per region number will work
} # ! don't touch this
end # Region_Effects
module DataManager
# alias method: load_normal_database
class <def self.load_normal_database
$data_spawn_map = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rvdata2", Region_Effects::SPAWN_MAP_ID))
class Game_Player < Game_Character
alias galv_region_effects_check_event_trigger_here check_event_trigger_here
def check_event_trigger_here(triggers)
galv_region_check unless $game_switches[Region_EffectsREGION_EFFECT_SWITCH] == true
def galv_region_check
return if Input.trigger?(:C)
v = rand(10) - rand(10)
p = rand(40) - rand(40)
@r_id = $game_map.region_id($game_player.x, $game_player.y)
return if Region_Effects::EFFECT[@r_id] == nil
sound = Region_Effects::EFFECT[@r_id][0]
vol = Region_Effects::EFFECT[@r_id][1]
pit = Region_Effects::EFFECT[@r_id][2]
eve = Region_Effects::EFFECT[@r_id][3]
com_eve = Region_Effects::EFFECT[@r_id][4]
RPG::SE.new(sound, vol + v, pit + p).play
if eve > 0
$game_map.region_event($game_player.x, $game_player.y, eve, Region_Effects::SPAWN_MAP_ID)
$game_temp.reserve_common_event(com_eve) unless com_eve == nil
end # Game_Player
# Credit to Yanfly for modified Spawn event script below
class Game_Map
alias galv_region_effects_setup setup
def setup(map_id)
@effect_var = []
def region_event(dx, dy, event_id, map_id)
map_id = @map_id if map_id == 0
map = $data_spawn_map
event = generated_region_event(map, event_id)
if @effect_var.length < Region_Effects::MAX_EFFECTS
if @events.keys.max.nil?
new_id = 1
new_id = @events.keys.max + 1
new_id = @effect_var.shift
@events[new_id] = Game_Event.new(@map_id, event)
@events[new_id].moveto(dx, dy)
def generated_region_event(map, event_id)
for key in map.events
event = key[1]
next if event.nil?
return event if event.id == event_id
return nil
end # Game_Map
class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
attr_accessor :spriteset
end # Scene_Map
Última edición por David Larín el Miér Feb 06, 2013 5:17 pm, editado 1 vez