luistop12Miér Ene 23, 2013 8:45 pm
Este script te hacer cargar los skill es decir cargar un skill 2 turnos para ser usado no sé la compatibilidad por que lo probé con melody y no funcionó pero asumo que es compatible con takentai y el sistema frontal
este tag va en las notas del skill
\charge[x] (remplazar x por el numero de turnos a cargar)
este tag va en las notas del skill
\charge[x] (remplazar x por el numero de turnos a cargar)
- Código:
# Recharge Skills
# Version: 1.0
# Author: modern algebra (
# Date: December 11, 2010
# Description:
# This allows you to make it so that skills can be set to need to recharge
# after use. In other words, you can make it so that once an actor uses Heal,
# he or she cannot use Heal again for x number of turns. This script will
# also allow you to make items, weapons, and states that can increase or
# reduce the amount of time it takes to recharge a skill, as well as create
# items and skills that can immediately recharge any skills that are charging
# Instructions:
# Place this script in its own slot in the Script Editor (F11), above Main
# but below any other custom scripts you might have.
# Configuration is fairly easy. To specify how long a skill needs to take to
# recharge, all you need to do is place the following code in its notebox:
# \charge[x]
# where x is the number of turns you want it to be unavailable for after
# using it. It must be a positive integer.
# Example:
# \recharge[2] # Will wait two turns before you can use this skill again
# To set either an item or skill so that, when used, it will refresh all
# skills and get rid of any remaining charges so that all skills will be
# available, all you need to do is put the following code in the notebox:
# \refresh
# To set a weapon, armor, state, or enemy to reduce or increase the default
# charge times of a skill, all you need to do is use the following code:
# \recharge[x]
# You can also specify recharge modifiers by class or actor. See the
# Configurable Region at line 57 for instructions on setting those up. All
# recharge modifiers stack, so if your class normally adds 1 and an armor the
# actor wears adds 2, then it will take 3 extra turns to recharge the skill.
# Also, recharge mods will only add to skills that have a recharge time to
# begin with.
# *** RPG
# Summary of Changes:
# Modified classes - UsableItem, Skill, Weapon, Armor, State, Enemy
module RPG
# Here, you can set recharge modifiers for classes and actors, thus allowing
# the recharge times to be different depending on which actor and what class.
# They both work the same basic way:
# Each line should look as follows (omitting the < and >):
# <class ID> => <modifier>,
# class ID : the ID of the class you want to modify. So, by default,
# 1 would be Paladin, 2 would be Warrior, 3 would be Priest, etc...
# modifier : this can either be an integer or a positive decimal number.
# If an integer, it will add it to the number of turns. If a decimal
# number, it will multiply it by the number of turns.
# If you don't do a line for a class, then it defaults to 0 modifier.
# Remember to put a comma after EVERY one of these lines, except the last.
# 2 => 1,
# Whenever an actor with class 2 uses a skill, it will take one extra turn
# to recharge than it would normally. So, if a skill should take 3 turns
# to recharge, it will take 4 turns for actors with this class.
# 7 => 0.5,
# Whenever an actor with class 7 uses a skill, it will take only half as
# long to recharge as it would normally. If a skill takes 6 turns
# normally, it will take 3 turns to recharge for actors with this class.
# This works the same way, except with actor ID instead of class ID:
# <actor ID> => <modifier>,
# actor ID : the ID of the actor. So, by default, 1 would be Ralph,
# 2 would be Ulrika, etc...
# modifier : same as at line 71.
# If you don't do a line for a class, then it defaults to 0 modifier.
# Remember to put a comma after EVERY one of these lines, except the last.
# 4 => -2,
# Whenever Actor 4 uses a skill, it takes 2 less turns to charge. So if
# the skill normally takes 5 turns, it will take only 3 turns for actor 4.
# 7 => 2.5,
# Whenever Actor 7 uses a skill it 250% longer to recharge. So if a skill
# normally takes 2 turns, it will take 5 turns for actor 7.
# You can also change an actor's recharge modifier in game with a script call:
# $game_actors[<actor ID>] = <modifier>
CLASS_RECHARGE_MODS = { # <- Do not touch.
1 => 0,
2 => 1.0,
} # <- Do not touch.
ACTOR_RECHARGE_MODS = { # <- Do not touch.
1 => 0,
2 => 1.0,
} # <- Do not touch.
# ** UsableItem
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - refresh_charges?
class UsableItem
# * Refresh
def refresh_charges?
return (self.note[/\\REFRESH/i] != nil)
# ** Skill
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - charge_time
class Skill
# * Charge Time
def recharge_time
return self.note[/\\CHARGE\[(\d+)\]/i] != nil ? $1.to_i : 0
# ** Weapon, Armor, State, Enemy
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - recharge_mod
# aliased method - ma_reset_note_values (if have Note Editor)
["Weapon", "Armor", "State", "Enemy"].each { |class_name|
RS_REGEXP = "/\\\\RECHARGE\\[(-?\\d+)(%?)\\]/i"
CLDEF = <<__END__
class #{class_name}
def recharge_mod
if !@recharge_mod
if self.note[#{RS_REGEXP}] != nil
if $2.empty?
@recharge_mod = $1.to_i
x = $1.to_f / 100.0
@recharge_mod = x >= 0 ? x : -1*x
@recharge_mod = 0
return @recharge_mod
if self.method_defined? (:ma_reset_note_values)
alias ma_rchrg_restnot_8ik3 ma_reset_note_values
def ma_reset_note_values (*args)
ma_rchrg_restnot_8ik3 (*args) # Run Original Method
@recharge_mod = nil
eval (CLDEF)
# ** Game_Battler
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - initialize; skill_can_use?; skill_test; skill_effect;
# item_test; item_effect
# new methods - set_skill_recharge; update_skill_recharge; recharge_mod
class Game_Battler
# * Object Initialization
alias ma_skilchrg_initz_5tg2 initialize
def initialize (*args)
@sc_turns_count = {}
@sc_turns_count.default = 0
ma_skilchrg_initz_5tg2 (*args) # Run Original Method
# * Check if Can Use Skill
alias malgbr_chrgskil_canus_9dv4 skill_can_use?
def skill_can_use? (skill, *args)
return false if @sc_turns_count[] > 0
return malgbr_chrgskil_canus_9dv4 (skill, *args) # Return Original Method
# * Skill Test
alias mal_rchrgskl_tst_4wp9 skill_test
def skill_test (user, skill, *args)
return true if skill.refresh_charges? && !@sc_turns_count.empty?
return mal_rchrgskl_tst_4wp9 (user, skill, *args) # Run Original Method
# * Skill Effect
alias mgba_rchrgskil_efct_2ok7 skill_effect
def skill_effect (user, skill, *args)
@sc_turns_count.clear if skill.refresh_charges?
mgba_rchrgskil_efct_2ok7 (user, skill, *args) # Run Original Method
# * Item Test
alias mogb_rchrg_itmtest_6yh2 item_test
def item_test (user, item, *args)
return true if item.refresh_charges? && !@sc_turns_count.empty?
return mogb_rchrg_itmtest_6yh2 (user, item, *args) # Run Original Method
# * Item Effect
alias malga_rechrge_itmeffect_5th3 item_effect
def item_effect (user, item, *args)
@sc_turns_count.clear if item.refresh_charges?
malga_rechrge_itmeffect_5th3 (user, item, *args) # Run Original Method
# * Set Charge
# skill : the skill used
def set_skill_recharge (skill)
return if skill.recharge_time == 0
@sc_turns_count[] = skill.recharge_time
direct, percent = recharge_mod
@sc_turns_count[] += direct
@sc_turns_count[] = (@sc_turns_count[] * percent).round
@sc_turns_count[] += 1
@sc_turns_count.delete ( if @sc_turns_count[] < 1
# * Update Charges
def update_skill_recharge
for i in @sc_turns_count.keys
@sc_turns_count[i] -= 1
@sc_turns_count.delete (i) if @sc_turns_count[i] <= 0
# * Recharge Mod
def recharge_mod
direct, percent = 0, 1.0
states.each { |state|
x = state.recharge_mod
x.is_a? (Float) ? percent *= x : direct += x
return direct, percent
# ** Game_Actor
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - setup
# redefined super method - recharge_mod
class Game_Actor
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :base_recharge
# * Actor Setup
alias malgb_rechrg_initz_8ik2 setup
def setup (*args)
malgb_rechrg_initz_8ik2 (*args) # Run Original Method
@base_recharge = RPG::ACTOR_RECHARGE_MODS[@actor_id]
# * Recharge Mod
def recharge_mod
direct, percent = super
class_mod = RPG::CLASS_RECHARGE_MODS[class_id]
class_mod.is_a? (Float) ? percent *= class_mod : direct += class_mod
@base_recharge.is_a? (Float) ? percent *= @base_recharge : direct += @base_recharge
equips.compact.each { |equip|
x = equip.recharge_mod
x.is_a? (Float) ? percent *= x : direct += x
return direct, percent
# ** Game_Enemy
# Summary of Changes:
# redefined super method - recharge_mod
class Game_Enemy
# * Recharge Mod
def recharge_mod
direct, percent = super
x = enemy.recharge_mod
x.is_a? (Float) ? percent *= x : direct += x
return direct, percent
# ** Scene_Battle
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - execute_action_skill; turn_end
class Scene_Battle
# * Execute Battle Action: Skill
alias modrn_chrg_exactskil_5th3 execute_action_skill
def execute_action_skill (*args)
modrn_chrg_exactskil_5th3 (*args) # Run Original Method
@active_battler.set_skill_recharge (@active_battler.action.skill)
# * End Turn
alias morba_chrgskl_endturn_4tx1 turn_end
def turn_end (*args)
if args[0] && args[0].is_a? (Game_Battler) # Tankentai ATB Compatibility
($game_troop.members + $game_party.members).each { |battler| battler.update_skill_recharge }
morba_chrgskl_endturn_4tx1 (*args) # Run Original Method