luistop12Miér Ene 23, 2013 8:37 pm
Este script te deja hacer multiples hit no sé la compatibilidad por que lo probé con melody y no funcionó pero asumo que es compatible con takentai y el sistema frontal
este tag va en las notas del skill
(remplaza x por el numero de golpes)
este tag va en las notas del skill
- Código:
# Multi Hit Skills (RMVX)
# Author : Logan Forrests
# With : Mr G W
# Date Created : 20 August 2011
# Date Finished : 20 August 2011
# Last Updated : 03 November 2011
# Latest Version : 1.1
# Version History
# v1.1 - 11.03.2011
# Introduces new paramters:
# - allowing a missed or evaded hit to stop further damage calculation
# - Critical hit factored into individual hits
# Code updated to fit coding standards
# v1.0 - 08.20.2011
# Original release of the script
# Description
# Allows skills to be assigned a specific number of hits.
# For example, Quad Slash is intended to be a 4-hit physical skill. By
# specifying this in the Database, the skill would be calculated as if it
# was dealing 4 individual hits. Each individual hit of a multiple hit skill
# is calculated seperately with the damage dealt by each hit being cumulitive
# to provide the total damage dealt. This also means that the accuracy of
# the skill and the evasion of the target is considered on each hit and not the
# skill as a whole. Thus, of the 4 hits of Quad Slash, only 2 may hit and
# contribute towards damage.
# The messages associated with attacks missing and being evaded will only be
# shown when all hits of an attack miss or are evaded.
# Because the properties are kept within an items BaseItem class, it can also
# be used for Items as well as Skills.
# Directions On How To Implement
# Assigning the Number of Hits
# ----------------------------
# To specify the number of hits a skill has simply use the following the tag
# within the Note field in the Database of the appropriate skills:
# <mhs_hits: #> - where # is the number of hits
# It is advised that skills that are made multiple hit are given a lower than
# 100 hit ratio. Setting a skill to have a hit ratio of 100 will mean all hits
# will land unless evaded which may result in a largely unbalanced skill.
# This is, however, not required and skills may be set a 100 hit ratio if desired.
# Implementing Critical Hits
# --------------------------
# It is possible to assign a critical hit ratio, allowing a skill to sometimes
# deal a critical blow on any one (or more) or its hits:
# <mhs_crit: c% d%>
# - where c is the critical hit chance as a percentage
# - where d is the critical damage bonus
# The '%' signs are optional and not required to function properly. It is allowed
# simply for aesthetic and readability.
# The value of c should be an integer value between 0 and 100;
# 0 being no critical hit chance, 100 being always critical.
# The value of d should be an integer value above 100.
# Note: A d value of 150 means 150% or 1.5x damage dealt. This is to follow the same
# calculation style as the default scripts. Thus, setting a value less than
# 100 will reduce the damage dealt.
# Ending Damage Calculation Upon a Missed or Evaded Attack
# --------------------------------------------------------
# To make a skill stop damage calculation processing when the attack misses
# or is evaded, the following tag can be used:
# <mhs_end_on_miss>
# No additional value is required.
# This particular additional allows one to create skills that are 'interrupted'
# should an attack miss somewhere during execution. Using this produces
# a more realistic* effect but can lead to a much smaller average in damage.
# *Realistic in the sense that the attacker is caught off-guard when an attack
# does not connect or is evaded by the target and can no longer continue the
# barrage of attacks he is delivering. Mostly used for close combat type skills.
# Script Installation & Compatibility
# Simply place the script in the Materials section of the Script Editor,
# somewhere above Main.
# If using this to extend GW Extra Skill Features, this script must be placed
# below that script.
# This script is based from GW Extra Skill Features and thus is compatible
# with it. It is also suggested that the GW Extra Skill Features is used
# with this script, also it is not necessary.
# This script overwrites the following the methods:
# skill_effect
# - Removes the accuracy and evasion checks from this method.
# make_obj_damage_value
# - Includes critical hit damage calculation
# - The default value can be set within this script in the LF::MHS
# module; custom values can be assigned on a per skill basis.
# This script aliases the following methods:
# make_obj_damage_value
# - Implements a while loop to allow calculating of cumulative damage
# for multiple hit skills
# - Includes accuracy and evasion checks for each hit
# but only sets the @missed and @evaded flags if all hits of a skill
# miss or are evaded.
# Support & Credit
# The script has been written and tested with no other scripts in place. As
# such, if you encounted any issues with regards to other scripts,
# first try to resolve the problem by moving this script around. If you are
# still unable to resolve the problem, feel free to contact me on
# under the name LoganForrests (no spaces involved) with the name of the
# script(s) you find no longer work when this script is included and the
# nature of the problem(s) so that I can begin to work on the problem(s)
# being caused.
# Credit must be given if used.
# Credit must also be given to Mr G W as this script is based and designed from
# their Extra Skill Features script. When used as an extension to the Extra
# Skill Features script, this script follows the same copyright restrictions.
#============= CUSTOMISE THE SCRIPT HERE ===============
module LF
module MHS
#Allows critical hit bonuses from weapon/actor trait to be included
# in the critical hit rate check. Will currently only apply to skills
# which have their Physical Attack flag checked true.
#Set the damage multiplier for a critical hit
# This is the default multiplier; it will be overwritten if a crit hit
# damage multiplier is also assigned in the Note field of the Skill.
# A crit multiplier of 3 means that a critical hit will deal 300% damage
# This value should not be set less than 1 (100% damage) as this will
# reduce the final damage.
#============= NO MORE CUSTOMISING THE SCRIPT ===============
#============= DO NOT EDIT THE CONTENTS BELOW ===============
class RPG::BaseItem
#assume 1 hit if not specified
def skillhits
self.note[/<mhs_hits: ([-0-9]+)>/]
return 1 if $1 == nil
return $1.to_i
#determine if calculation of damage should end on a miss/evade
def miss_means_end
return true if self.note[/<mhs_end_on_miss>/]
return false
#chance of critical hit - value is based on percentage
# First Value : critical hit chance/ratio
# Second Value : critical hit damage bonus (if provided)
def mhs_cri
self.note[/<mhs_crit: ([-0-9]+)(?:[%]*)[ ]*([-0-9]*)(?:[%]*)>/]
return [$1.to_i, $2.to_i]
class Game_Battler
# overwrite: skill_effect
# Removed some checks - see Note at line 123
def skill_effect(user, skill)
unless skill_effective?(user, skill)
@skipped = true
#removed hit and evasion check from here to make_obj_damage_value
#in order to perform this check for each hit in a multi hit skill
#Effect stays the same even if single hit.
make_obj_damage_value(user, skill) # calculate damage
make_obj_absorb_effect(user, skill) # calculate absorption effect
execute_damage(user) # damage reflection
if skill.physical_attack && @hp_damage == 0 # physical and no damage?
apply_state_changes(skill) # state change
# overwrite: make_obj_damage_value
# Adds critical hit to obj damage calculation
#* Calculation of Damage Caused by Skills or Items
# user : User of skill or item
# obj : Skill or item (for normal attacks, this is nil)
# The results are substituted for @hp_damage or @mp_damage.
def make_obj_damage_value(user, obj)
damage = obj.base_damage # get base damage
if damage > 0 # a positive number?
damage += user.atk * 4 * obj.atk_f / 100 # Attack F of the user
damage += user.spi * 2 * obj.spi_f / 100 # Spirit F of the user
unless obj.ignore_defense # Except for ignore defense
damage -= self.def * 2 * obj.atk_f / 100 # Attack F of the target
damage -= self.spi * 1 * obj.spi_f / 100 # Spirit F of the target
damage = 0 if damage < 0 # If negative, make 0
elsif damage < 0 # a negative number?
damage -= user.atk * 4 * obj.atk_f / 100 # Attack F of the user
damage -= user.spi * 2 * obj.spi_f / 100 # Spirit F of the user
damage *= elements_max_rate(obj.element_set) # elemental adjustment
damage /= 100
#added by LoganForrests
#to_i used due to possible floating point calculations
damage = (damage * critical_damage(user, obj)).to_i
#end added code
damage = apply_variance(damage, obj.variance) # variance
damage = apply_guard(damage) # guard adjustment
if obj.damage_to_mp
@mp_damage = damage # damage MP
@hp_damage = damage # damage HP
def critical_damage(user, obj)
crit_chance = obj.mhs_cri[0]
if LF::MHS::INCLUDE_USER_BONUSES && obj.physical_attack
crit_chance += user.cri
crit_multi = obj.mhs_cri[1]
@critical = (rand(100) < crit_chance) # critical hit?
@critical = false if prevent_critical # criticals prevented?
if @critical #is a critical hit
if crit_multi >= 100 #safety net for silly values like 50% damage
return (crit_multi/100.0).to_i if @critical
else #otherwise, use 'default' multiplier
return LF::MHS::CRIT_MULTIPLIER if @critical
return 1 #1 will ensure normal damage calculation if not critical
# alias method: make_obj_damage_value
# calculates damage on a per hit basis
alias :lfmhs_modv_gb_cd3e :make_obj_damage_value
def make_obj_damage_value(user, obj, *args)
#get number of hits of skill
hits = obj.skillhits
#repeat original method for 'hits' number of times,
#storing the total damage to HP and MP
#Set default variables
count = 0 #hit cycle count
totalhpdamage = 0 #total damage to HP
totalmpdamage = 0 #total damage to MP (where required)
miss_count = 0 #for correct message displaying - only if all hits miss
evade_count = 0 #for correct message displaying - only if all hits evaded
while (count < hits) #count starts at 0; cycle is: count until hits - 1
#Check accuracy and evasion
if rand(100) >= calc_hit(user, obj)
if obj.miss_means_end
#stop damage processing by ending while loop
miss_count += 1 #missed a hit
count += 1 #next hit
if rand(100) < calc_eva(user, obj)
if obj.miss_means_end
#stop damage processing by ending while loop
evade_count += 1 #evaded a hit
count += 1 #next hit
#check if all hits have been missed or evaded
if miss_count == hits
@missed = true
return #don't process damage; show miss message
if evade_count == hits
@evaded = true
return #don't process damage; show evade message
#run original to get damage for this current hit
lfmhs_modv_gb_cd3e(user, obj, *args)
totalhpdamage += @hp_damage
totalmpdamage += @mp_damage
#increase counter
count += 1
@hp_damage = totalhpdamage
@mp_damage = totalmpdamage